15 yrs exp
90 Days
150+ Hrs
Reading and LAB guide
Server 24x7 available
What will you learn?
Who should go for this training?
The following professionals can go for this course:
What are the pre-requisites for this Course?
History of Python
Python versions
Installation and setup
Interactive Python (REPL)
Using the Python shell
Writing and running Python scripts
Basic Syntax
Indentation and code blocks
Statements and expressions
Commenting code
Data Types
Numbers (integers, floats, complex numbers)
Variables and Constants
Naming conventions
Assignment statements
If, elif, and else statements
For loops
While loops
Loop control statements (break, continue,
Defining Functions
Function syntax
Parameters and arguments
Return values
Scope and Lifetime
Local and global scope
global and nonlocal keywords
Lambda Functions
Syntax and usage
Creating and using modules
Importing modules (import, from ... import)
Creating and using packages
Understanding __init__.py
Creating and accessing list elements
List methods and operations
Creating and accessing tuple elements
Tuple operations
Creating and accessing set elements
Set methods and operations
Creating and accessing dictionary elements
Dictionary methods and operations
String Manipulation
Concatenation and repetition
Slicing and indexing
String Methods
Common string methods (e.g., split(),
join(), replace(), find())
Formatting Strings
Using format() method
f-strings (formatted string literals)
Reading Files
Opening files
Reading from files (read(), readline(),
Writing Files
Writing to files (write(), writelines())
Working with File Paths
Using os and pathlib modules
Handling Exceptions
Try, except, else, and finally blocks
Common built-in exceptions
Raising Exceptions
Using raise statement
Custom Exceptions
Creating user-defined exceptions
Classes and Objects
Defining classes
Creating objects
Attributes and Methods
Instance attributes and methods
Class attributes and methods
Single and multiple inheritance
Using super()
Polymorphism and Encapsulation
Method overriding
Standard Library
Overview of important modules (e.g., math,
datetime, os, sys)
Third-Party Libraries
Installing packages using pip
Overview of popular libraries (e.g.,
requests, numpy, pandas)
What is Django?
Features of Django
The Django philosophy
Setting Up Django
Installing Django
Creating a Django project
Understanding the project structure
Creating and Running a Django Project
Using django-admin and manage.py
Running the development server
Django Settings
Configuration settings
Managing different environments (development,
Defining Models
Creating model classes
Fields and field types
Database Migrations
Creating and applying migrations
Understanding the migration files
Querying the Database
CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update,
Using the Django ORM to filter, order, and
retrieve data
Introduction to Django Admin
Enabling and accessing the admin site
Customizing the admin interface
Admin Models
Registering models with the admin
Using model admins to customize list and
detail views
Understanding Views
Function-based views (FBVs)
Class-based views (CBVs)
URL Routing
URL configuration (urls.py)
Path converters and named URLs
View Decorators
Using decorators to add functionality to
Template Basics
Creating and using templates
Template inheritance (base and child
Template Tags and Filters
Built-in template tags and filters
Creating custom template tags and filters
Static Files
Managing static files (CSS, JavaScript,
Using the {% static %} template tag
Creating and Using Forms
Defining forms in Django
Form fields and widgets
Form Validation
Built-in validators
Custom validation logic
Model Forms
Using ModelForm for creating forms directly
from models
User Authentication
Built-in authentication system
User registration and login/logout
Permissions and Authorization
Managing user permissions and groups
Using decorators and mixins for access
Custom User Models
Extending or replacing the default user
Understanding Middleware
Built-in middleware components
Creating custom middleware
Middleware Lifecycle
Request and response processing
Introduction to DRF
Setting up Django REST framework
Understanding serializers
Building APIs
Creating API views (function-based and
Viewsets and routers
Authentication and Permissions
Implementing authentication (Token, JWT)
Setting up permissions and throttling
Lives interactive sessions delivered in our classroom by our expert trainers with real-time scenarios.
Learn from anywhere over internet, joining the live sessions delivered by our expert trainers.
Learn through pre-recorded video sessions delivered by experts with your own pace and timings
This Course Includes:
This Course Includes:
8:00am to 9:30am IST 30 Days (Mon-Fri)
8:00am to 9:30am IST 30 Days (Mon-Fri)
8:00am to 9:30am IST 30 Days (Mon-Fri)
18 % OFF
₹ 22,000/-
This Course Includes:₹14,000/-
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Our trainer has 20+ years of working Experience
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Each of our live sessions are recorded. In case if you miss any, you can request us to share the link of that
particular session.
For practical execution, our trainer/technical team will provide server access details to the student
Yes. We do provide the step-by-step document which you can follow and if required our technical team will assist you.
You can contact our support team, or just drop an email to online@akswave-trainings.com with your queries.
The course material and recorded videos which are provided during the course period. You can download it anytime.
Visit our website regularly to check discount offers time to time. However, we provide discount for single participant
& special discount for 2 or more participants.
* If request for cancelation is made within 2 days of enrolment for class, 100% refunded.
* If request made after 2 days, then Refund is made after deduction of administration fee.
I recently took Oracle RAC training from Akswave. Akal Sir is one of the best teacher for Oracle RAC. I learned lot of concepts, understood well and he cleared many of my doubts too. His explanation and presentation is better and easy to understand. About online Lab environment its good and the Co-ordinators are very helpful in clearing my doubts. I personally enjoyed and learned many new things in AKSWAVE.
I have taken classes from Akswave Oracle Training and I gained excellent knowledge in Oracle DBA , Oracle RAC and APPs from there. I recommend people who wants better future in Oracle DBA, join Akswave. Lets see when the GoldenGate classroom training will start, I like to join.
Akswave Oracle Training is one of the best institute in Ameerpet, comparing to other institutes in terms of Lab Infrastructure , helping nature faculties and the amazing skilled Mr Akal singh. Now waiting for cloud training to be started.